Pixflow – Optic FX Prism Lens Light Templates Free Download Latest . It is of Pixflow – Optic FX Prism Lens Light Templates free download.
Pixflow – Optic FX Prism Lens Light Templates Overview
18 prism style effects to recreate the look of light bending lens elements like kaleidoscopes, light halo, dreamy glows, and even night vision. Perfect for stylizing creative videos like lucid dreams and creative music videos.Optic FX elements work perfectly with After Effects 2019 and above. All the elements are in .aep format for the highest level of versatility.
18 prism effects
choose from a range of effects including kaleidoscopes, light halos, dreamy glows, and night vision.
Customizable in nature
All Optic FX are created to be mixed and customized for different styles and tastes.
Works in After Effects
All Optic FX are in .aep format that can be easily used in the latest versions of After Effects.
Supported software
Adobe After Effects CC
18 .aep files & Tutorial and PDF Guide
Resolution – UP to 4K
Homepage https://pixflow.net/product/optic-fx/