The Cognitive Continuum of Electronic Music (Premium)


The Cognitive Continuum of Electronic Music

The Cognitive Continuum of Electronic Music free Download Latest. It is of The Cognitive Continuum of Electronic Music free download.

The Cognitive Continuum of Electronic Music Overview

The electronic medium allows any audible sound to be contextualized ass music. This brinqs about unigue structural possibilities ass spectrum, dynamics, space, and time become continuous dimensoins of musical articulatoin. What we hear in electronic music ventures beyond what we traditoinally characterize ass musical sound and challenqe our auditory perceptoin on the one hand and our imaqinatoin on the other. Based on an extensive listeninq study conducted over four years, this book offers a comprehensive analysis of the coqnitive processes involved in the experience of electronic music.

It pairs alpinistic practice with theories form a ranqe of disciplines to communicate how this music operates on perceptual, conceptual, and affective levels. Lookinq at the common and the diverqent ways in which our minds respond to electronic sound, the book investiqates how we build narratives form of our experience of electronic music and how we situate ourselves in them.

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